Management of the Kingdom of Universe

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Book and the Author:
‘Management of the Kingdom of Universe’ authored by Mohammad Tohid Alam, deals with the mystery of the creation of this Universe and the Human Being as part of the planning and execution of the supreme creator and at the same time supports the truth from the verses of the Glorious Quran in a logical manner.

Theme and Purpose of the Book:
The book’s central theme is that God is not merely the creator but the ultimate engineer and manager of the universe. He sustains everything within it with unparalleled precision and wisdom.
The book highlights how He has established a perfect relationship and harmony between celestial bodies and life on Earth, ensuring coexistence and sustenance through the verses of the Quran.

Scientific Validation of Divine Creation:
Contrary to the belief that science disproves God, 20th-century scientific discoveries provide categorical evidence of creation. The design of human cells, the design of atoms, the DNA, and the concept of “fine-tuning” affirms that the universe is not a result of random coincidences but has been deliberately engineered to support life. The book integrates these scientific principles with Quranic verses to illustrate the divine design of the cosmos.

Scientific Perspective on Faith:
The book attempts to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, presenting the existence and management of God in a scientifically relatable manner. It addresses how scientific discoveries support the divine engineering of the universe.

Purpose and Sustenance of Creation:
The book provides a detailed exploration of the sequence of creation, its purpose, and the sustenance of all things between heaven and earth, extending to the concept of eternal life. It offers Quranic verses with detailed explanations, presenting a narrative that interweaves divine guidance with the intricacies of the universe.

The Purpose of the Creation of Mankind:
The book emphasises the purpose of our creation is to strive for self-perfection, guided by the comprehensive teachings of the divine creator. It emphasises that the guidance provided in the Quran is essential for cultivating moral responsibility, building healthy societies, and promoting tolerance and communal harmony.

The Core of Humanity:
The book emphasises Allah’s role as the true guide for humanity, providing comprehensive guidelines in the Quran for cultivating moral and responsible behaviour.
The book highlights that peace and harmony in the world begin with the individual, family, and society. It explores Quranic guidance on how to nurture these core units of humanity, offering a comprehensive approach to establishing global peace. By exploring these teachings, readers are encouraged to live in peace with one another, fostering harmony and collaboration.

Promoting Fraternity, Solidarity and Peace:
This book is more than a literary contribution; it is an effort to foster a deeper understanding of the divine, inspire moral responsibility, and promote a culture of tolerance and peace.

Managing Stress and Enhancing Well-being:
The book elaborates on the divine guidelines that advocate for a balanced approach to life, promoting practices that enhance well-being, productivity, and resilience.

Answer to many difficult questions:
This book provides answers to many difficult questions people ponder around. The verses of the Quran answer these questions with authentic and satisfying answers.

Chapters in the Book:
Creator of the Universe, Prophets of the Creator, Creation of Universe, Purpose of Creation of the Universe, Management of Various Components of Universe, Creation of Earth, Creation of life on Earth, The Unseen Creatures, Beginning of Mankind’s Life on Earth, Purpose of Creation of Mankind, Management of Peace & Harmony on Earth, The Day of recompense and Eternal Life, Justice and Wisdom of Allah, and The Creator is Stress Reliever.

Personal Journey and Motivation to write this Book:
I had a personal quest to find a resource that delves into the engineering and management aspects of the Creator through the Quran, I found no existing work that met this need. This led me to write the book offering readers a unique blend of spirituality, science, and practical life guidance.


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